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Origami Shield

  • Origami ShieldThe product of the first company of fiber composite provides reliable protection. . Preferably from special forces
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Shield separator

  •  shield provides protection for urban areas such as hotels, offices and airports as it is designed to use unskilled persons.
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Ballistic Shield

  • The bullet proof shield produced by the First Company for Composite Fibers provides reliable protection. Light weight ensures high mobility for rapid penetration. . Preferably from special forces
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Bomb Suppression Blanket

  • Bomb Suppression Blanket BSB – 600 is marked by its light weight and high protection level meeting NIJ0101.08) )Level IIIA. It consists of a safety circle to be used to surround the suspicious object and a blanket to cover it with used. It fold up into a compact, easily carried bag and is designed to be used and deployed by unskilled personnel as well as skilled EOD operators. This blanket is ideal in civilian locations (hotels, office blocks, airports etc.) offering temporary protection by covering suspicious parcels and objects until the experienced bomb disposal team arrives.
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Tactical Shield ( TS3A - 130 )

This Versatile tactical shield consists of three lightweight, interchangeable and easily attachable panels that meet or exceed threat levels specified in NIJ ( 0101.04 ) level .
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